Adopt Kira

The support of an annual adoption helps provide our resident chimpanzees with their complete daily care which includes three fresh, healthy meals of fruits and vegetables, loving daily care from specially-trained staff, and medical care from our veterinarians.
Your donation helps us to maintain your chimp’s beautiful island home and provide the many enrichment toys and activities that fulfill their lives. Adopting a chimp of your choosing also makes the perfect unique gift for a friend or loved one for any occasion!
As an adoptive parent, you will receive:
- A digital biography of the chimpanzee you choose
- A digital customized adoption certificate
- A one-year subscription to the e-newsletter Pant-Hoots to Parents
AdoptionsRecommended Products
Adopt a Chimp eGift Card $60.00 – $400.00
Bobby’s Family $400.00
Tapioca’s Family $400.00
Alpha Hat (Black or White) $35.00